Initiating a New CallBack Manually

Initiating a New CallBack Manually

To Initiate a New CallBack manually:

In the module menu bar, click CallBacks > start Manual CallBack

Now, a three tabbed form will open where you will need to enter in all of the pertinent shift information. 

Step 1: Choose CallBack Shift date/time
Enter the shift Start date / Time; End Date / Time and the Fill deadline (When you want this CallBack to stop trying to fill the shift by).

Step 2: Hire from list(s)

You'll want to select the Employee Needed (this is referencing your Lists) by clicking the green Add button. From there, you'll further filter the employees by selecting any Specialty Classifications if needed (not required). You can also include and exclude groups as well. Click the 'Select' button and choose from the list:

From there, work your way through the CallBack forms selecting all pertinent data.

NOTE: anytime you see a blackquestion mark icon, you can hover your mouse over it for more information regarding that specific topic. Click the Next button to work your way through the CallBack form.

If you would like to manually exclude any users from receiving this CallBack, you would simply start typing their name in the Exclude Users text field and select their name(s). This would exclude them from this Callback, and it would be noted in the CallBack History logs that they are an 'Excluded' user.

Alternatively, you can 'Include' users as well. By entering a name, these employees will be offered the shift as well, regardless if they are a part of the selected title or not.

The next step is to enter a message to be included with the CallBack. This message will be relayed to the employee(s) when the are contacted for the shift. Entering a message in the Text Message field will mean that the message is relayed to the employees who choose text message as their notification preference. A preview screen will be displayed as you enter the message, indicating what the text message will ultimately look like. Text message length is limited due to industry restrictions, and you will notice that you will have a character limit.

For employees who choose 'Phone Call' as their preferred contact method; you can relay a longer message by using the Phone Message to those employees. Keep in mind; the message will be relayed depending on their notification preference, so it is recommended that you only enter a text message notification. *Note, if no Phone Message is entered, the system will automatically default to the text message.

One of the last things you'll want to do is enter a Wait Time for the CallBack. The wait time is the amount of time each employee will be given to respond to the CallBack shift. In other words, it is the equivalent of calling an employee and saying, "Hi John, I have an overtime shift available for you. I am giving you 2 minutes to let me know your answer before moving on to the next employee in the list". It is important to remember, that the employee can always still come back and accept the shift (via their web profile, texting back to the system, or calling in) even after their wait time has expired. This is only the case, however, if no other employee has accepted the shift previously.

Note: some organizations have specific customized rules built into the system, that may vary from this.

A 'No Wait Time' entry means that the system will rapidly contact all employees who are eligible for the shift. The CrewSense platform can contact up to 100 employees in 30 seconds.

The wait time is a required field.

An optional selection is the 'Enable Secondary CallBack' option. You can choose to enable a secondary callback by checking this box. A secondary callback is essentially a 'fallback' method, allowing you to select a backup employee type for the CallBack Shift, if the primary employee type / title does not successfully fill the shift.

Example: Your trying to hire a firefighter for an overtime shift. By selecting the Secondary CallBack option, you can tell the system to fill the shift with, say for example, and engineer; if the firefighter list is completely exhausted and no employee with the firefighter title accepts the shift.

When you have entered all required information, click the Start button. A popup window will appear giving you a final confirmation of the CallBack details:

After you have confirmed the information is correct, press the Start CallBack button. You will be redirected to the CallBack History Log.

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